Open post Metaverse

What is the Metaverse?

The Metaverse is a term coined by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 science fiction novel, Snow Crash. In Neal Stephenson’s book, character Hiro Protagonist writes a program called Snow Crash to create a metaverse. The term “metaverse” was originally used to refer to a 3D virtual reality environment in which an individual could interact with...

Open post Paradox

The Paradox of Cloud Computing

The cloud is without doubt one of the most important platform shifts in computing history. Cloud has already had an impact on billions in IT spending. This is due to a powerful value proposition: infrastructure that can be used immediately at the right scale for the business, thereby reducing costs and improving efficiency in both...

Open post

What is Edge Computing exactly?

Edge computing refers to a distributed IT architecture that processes client data at the edge of the network as close as possible to the source. Data is vital to modern businesses. It provides valuable business insights and supports real-time control of critical business processes. Huge amounts of data can be collected routinely from distributed sensors...

Open post serverless

What is serverless computing exactly?

Serverless computing provides backend services on an “as-needed” basis. The serverless provider makes it easy to create and deploy code, without worrying about the infrastructure. The company that uses serverless services is charged according to their computation. It does not need to reserve or pay for a fixed amount bandwidth or number servers. Serverless does...

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