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Mobile for Brick and Mortar Stores

Mobile was often regarded as enemy of brick and mortar businesses. People would come into a store use their mobile to sometimes scan items and order them elsewhere. That was the story told by many brick and mortar businesses. This has changed considerably. Instead of fighting mobile, leading players in the retail sector have actively...

Open post CNN

How Aldi, a brutally efficient grocery chain, is beating Walmart on low prices –

Interesting CNN [1] article about Aldi driving changes in the US supermarket industry. Walmart regards Aldi as  “fierce,” “good” and “clever” competitor. Aldi’s price war is driving second and third tier grocery stores into bancrupcy. Mikey Vu, partner at Bain, states that “We haven’t seen a disrupter in the grocery space like this in a...

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To Queue or not to Queue

If you need to know how important a good customer experience is, recent research from Ayden and Adobe [1, 2] provides you with concrete numbers. The overall number is staggering: bad customer experice cost British retailes up to £102 billion (!) every year. In this regard, queues in-store stand for 11% of lost revenues, costing...

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