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Smart City Projekt XP

Im ITEA Projekt XP (Ephemeral Computing Service Plattform) wird eine digitale Plattform für Bürgerinnen und Bürger entwickelt. Eines der Hauptziele des Projektes ist die Einbindung von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern als aktive Beteiligte um die Plattform mitzugestalten. Dazu werden eigene (“No-Code”) Tools entwickelt um Services bzw. Apps auf der Plattform zu veröffentlichen. Diese Tools erfordern keinerlei...

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Smart City Project XP

In the Smart City Project XP (Ephemeral Computing Service Plattform) a digital platform for citizens is being developed. One of the main goals of the project is to involve citizens as active participants in helping to shape the platform. For this purpose, special (“no-code”) tools are developed to publish services or apps on the platform....

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In the Spotlight

We are very honored to be put into the spotlight in the latest issue of the ITEA magazine. Leading the ITEA project SOLOMON, which ITEA Vice-chairman Philippe Letellier calls a small but very innovative and dedicated project [covering] many sides of this [E-commerce] revolution. we are inventing new paths to create a coherent online/offline experience...

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The Shopping Avatar Goes Life

At the EUREKA Innovation Days in Helsinki we took the opportunity to introduce a working prototype of our Shopping Avatar, Mobile Personal Shopping Assistant, respectively, to a broader public. Our prototype shows how we envision the interaction of customers using a Mobile Shopping Assistant and a Micro Popup Store. At its core is the transfer...

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