Open post Woman reading a serial novel

What is a serial novel?

A serial novel is a piece of fiction that is published in numbered installments. You can publish these installments at any time for almost any length of time. However, the most common are weekly or monthly ones. The traditional publication of serialized novels has been by literary magazines, newspapers, or other periodicals. The format has...

Open post red and white moon illustration

Dracula Daily reanimates the classic vampire novel for the age of memes and snark

If you’re an active social media user, perhaps you’ve noticed a surge in posts recently about paprika, reflective shaving glasses and castle hospitality in Transylvania. One hundred twenty-five years after its initial publication, Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” is having a resurgence. The current popularity bump is thanks to an email newsletter called “Dracula Daily.” The original...

Open post publishing

Book sales have soared since the pandemic – but the industry must adapt to engage with new readers

One day each October, the UK publishing industry focuses its attention on a large number of high-profile new book releases. “Super Thursday”, as it is known in the trade, is the start of a seasonal promotion during which authors battle for space inside bookshops and under Christmas trees. The timing is important, as the book-selling...

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