We bring your idea to life

We build Progressive Web Apps and native Apps for iOS and Android operating systems using platform-specific programming languages like Swift, Objective-C, Java, Kotlin.

Mobile Apps

Mobile users spend 88% of their time on mobile apps and just 12% of the time on mobile websites. Why? Mobile apps are simply more convenient than mobile websites.


Progressive Web App Development

Progressive Web Apps (PWA for short) use web technology to build apps that look like native apps. These apps offer user functionality like working offline, push notifications and can access device hardware traditionally available only to native mobile applications.

The best for all worlds

At their core, Progressive Web Apps are web applications. They are enhanced with standards like service workers and a web app manifest. This makes web applications reliable and installable from browsers.

Platform independent

Unlike native Apps, Progressive Web Apps run on all platforms: mobile and desktop (even in cars). You don't need to implement the app for different platforms (iOS, Android).

Add to Homescreen (A2HS)

Add to Home screen (or A2HS for short) is a feature available in modern browsers. It allows user to "install" a Progressive Web App by adding a shortcut to their Homescreen. It's a seamless customer experience: instead of going through the app store, users can directly interact with the app in the browser and install it later.

Small size

Progressive Web Apps are small. They have typically a few 100 Kilobytes. In comparison, native apps have dozens of Megabytes.


Native App Development

All apps that are implemented for a particular mobile platform are known as native apps. An app that has been programmed for Apple devices does not run on Android devices and vice versa. Most businesses develop thus apps for multiple platforms.


App stores are the means to distribute native Apps. After your app is published it is available on all devices for download. However, with millions of other apps in the App store, the competition is fierce.

App stores

App stores are the means to distribute native Apps. After your app is published it is available on all devices for download. However, with millions of other apps in the App store, the competion is fierce.

App store fees

Publishing Apps costs you 99$ per year for the iTunes store. Google asks a time fee of 25$ for the Google Play store. If you want to sell goods like digital content and services this is subject to transaction fees (up to 30%).

Learn more

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