Open post tokens

Understanding Tokens in AI

In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly in the context of Large Language Models (LLMs), tokens are the fundamental units of language that enable machines to comprehend and generate human-like text. This article delves into the world of tokens, exploring their definition, history, types, and significance in the AI landscape. What are Tokens? In...

Open post synthetic data

Training AI requires more data than we have — generating synthetic data could help solve this challenge

The rapid rise of generative artificial intelligence like OpenAI’s GPT-4 has brought remarkable advancements, but it also presents significant risks. One of the most pressing issues is model collapse, a phenomenon where AI models trained on largely AI-generated content tend to degrade over time. This degradation occurs as AI models lose information about their true...

Open post power

Power-hungry AI is driving a surge in tech giant carbon emissions. Nobody knows what to do about it

Since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022, the world has seen an incredible surge in investment, development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) applications. According to one estimate, the amount of computational power used for AI is doubling roughly every 100 days. The social and economic impacts of this boom have provoked reactions around...

Open post recall

Microsoft’s New “Recall” Feature: A Double-Edged Sword?

At the recent Build conference, Microsoft unveiled an ambitious new feature for Windows 11 called "Recall," integrated into the new Copilot+ PCs. This AI-powered tool aims to revolutionize how users search and retrieve past activities on their PCs. However, while innovative, Recall raises significant privacy and security concerns that cannot be ignored. How Recall Works...

Open post OpenAI executive Mira Murati launching GPT-4o. OpenAI

GPT-4o is now better than ever at faking human emotion and behaviour

Earlier this week OpenAI launched GPT-4o (“o” for “omni”), a new version of the artificial intelligence (AI) system powering the popular ChatGPT chatbot. GPT-4o is promoted as a step towards more natural engagement with AI. According to the demonstration video, it can have voice conversations with users in near real-time, exhibiting human-like personality and behaviour....

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