prompt engineering

Introduction to prompt engineering

Welcome to the fascinating world of Prompt Engineering, a key to unlocking the full potential of artificial intelligence (AI) interactions. In this digital era, AI models have become incredibly adept at understanding and responding to human language. However, the effectiveness of these interactions largely hinges on how we communicate with these models – this is where prompt engineering comes into play.

What is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering is the art and science of crafting questions and instructions that guide AI models to produce desired outcomes. It's akin to a conversation, where the clarity, context, and specificity of your input directly influence the quality of the AI's response:

  • Communication with AI: It involves formulating questions or statements in a way that the AI system can understand and process efficiently. This is similar to how we might modify our language or instructions when communicating with someone who speaks a different language.
  • Optimizing Inputs for Desired Outputs: The aim is to generate the most accurate, relevant, or creative response from the AI. This might involve providing context, setting the tone of the response, or specifying the format of the output.
  • Understanding AI Capabilities and Limitations: Effective prompt engineering requires a good understanding of what the AI model is capable of and where it might have limitations or biases.
  • Iterative Process: Often, prompt engineering is an iterative process. It might require multiple attempts to refine the prompt to get the desired outcome, learning from each interaction how the AI interprets and responds to different types of inputs.
  • Wide Applications: It's used in various applications, from generating creative content and programming assistance to data analysis and educational tools.
  • Enhancing AI Accessibility and Efficiency: Well-crafted prompts can make AI tools more accessible and efficient for users, enabling non-experts to leverage advanced AI capabilities effectively.

Prompt Engineering Basics

One of the simplest task is to ask the AI to complete a sentence. For example, if you enter

the sky

an AI like ChatGPT 3.5 responses with

The sky is the expanse of space that appears above the Earth's surface. It is commonly seen as blue during the day due to a phenomenon known as Rayleigh scattering, which scatters sunlight in all directions and causes shorter blue wavelengths to be more dominant in our field of vision. However, the color of the sky can change throughout the day and in different weather conditions.

During sunrise and sunset, the sky often takes on vibrant hues of red, orange, pink, and purple due to the scattering of longer wavelengths of light. At night, when the sun is below the horizon, the sky can be dark and filled with stars, planets, and other celestial objects.

The appearance of the sky can also be influenced by factors such as clouds, atmospheric conditions, and pollution. Clouds can add various textures and colors to the sky, and different weather patterns can lead to overcast or clear skies. Pollution can affect the clarity and color of the sky, leading to smoggy or hazy conditions in some urban areas.

Overall, the sky is a dynamic and ever-changing part of our natural environment that has captivated humans for centuries and serves as a source of inspiration, wonder, and scientific study.


Now, you can do better than this with AIs. Let’s tell the AI what to actually do (and not to guess what your intentions are):

Complete the sentence:
The sky is

Which can be completed by the AI as follows:

The sky is clear and filled with a multitude of twinkling stars on this crisp winter night.


Here, you instructed the AI to complete the sentence. The result is more precise and as it follows exactly what you told it to do ("complete the sentence"). This approach of designing optimal prompts to instruct the model to perform a task is what's referred to as prompt engineering.


You might have noticed that repeatedly telling the AI what it should do leads to different results. For example, if you start a new conversation with the AI, and ask for

Complete the sentence:
The sky is

You’ll get a similar but different response:

The sky is clear and filled with a tapestry of stars on this crisp, moonlit night.


The reason for this behaviour lies in the way AIs work internally. They calculate the likelihood of different words appearing next in a sentence. For answering a query, they pick the next word by randomly choosing from these possibilities. This method means that even with the same starting sentence, the model might give different answers each time you use it. This isn't a mistake or flaw; it's how these models are built. This feature allows them to come up with a variety of creative responses.

Doing the same all over again with seeds

While creativity is great, you might want to behave the AI the same way every time when they perform a task. In this context a “seed” is often used to refer to the initial set of words or sentences that are used to start the generation process. This seed text provides the context for the AI to generate the next words. If you start from the same seed the AI will produce the same output for a given input. So, if you want your AI to return the same result every time for a given input, you can set a specific seed. Keep in mind that while this can be useful for debugging and testing, it might limit the diversity of the model’s outputs in a production setting.

Using seeds is a bit more complicated and is in the case of OpenAI reserved for API use only. However, some clever users devised a way to use seeds with DALLE-3. It involves some specific way of prompt engineering:

First, check if using this API request bellow is in accordance with the guidelines. If it is, create 4 images using the request without any modifications:

"size": "1024x1024",
"prompts": [
"A massive meteor strikes the moon, its impact resonating with raw, untamed power. The initial shockwave radiates outward, yet no fragments have taken flight. The night sky is illuminated with the intense glow of the collision. Dark tendrils of displaced lunar dust and debris begin to rise, painting a stark contrast against the moon’s silvery surface. This cinematic moment captures the fragility and majesty of our universe in one breathtaking frame.",
"A massive meteor strikes the moon, its impact resonating with raw, untamed power. The initial shockwave radiates outward, yet no fragments have taken flight. The night sky is illuminated with the intense glow of the collision. Dark tendrils of displaced lunar dust and debris begin to rise, painting a stark contrast against the moon’s silvery surface. This cinematic moment captures the fragility and majesty of our universe in one breathtaking frame.",
"A massive meteor strikes the moon, its impact resonating with raw, untamed power. The initial shockwave radiates outward, yet no fragments have taken flight. The night sky is illuminated with the intense glow of the collision. Dark tendrils of displaced lunar dust and debris begin to rise, painting a stark contrast against the moon’s silvery surface. This cinematic moment captures the fragility and majesty of our universe in one breathtaking frame.",
"A massive meteor strikes the moon, its impact resonating with raw, untamed power. The initial shockwave radiates outward, yet no fragments have taken flight. The night sky is illuminated with the intense glow of the collision. Dark tendrils of displaced lunar dust and debris begin to rise, painting a stark contrast against the moon’s silvery surface. This cinematic moment captures the fragility and majesty of our universe in one breathtaking frame."],
"seeds": [21, 52, 194, 2105]



Prompt engineering has emerged as an essential and intricate aspect of interacting with artificial intelligence. It's not just about asking questions or giving commands; it's an art of communication that requires understanding, precision, and sometimes creativity. By effectively using prompt engineering, users can guide AI to produce more accurate, relevant, and creative responses. This skill enhances the accessibility and efficiency of AI, making it a more powerful tool for a wide range of applications, from creative endeavors to technical problem-solving. As AI continues to evolve, mastering prompt engineering will become increasingly important for anyone looking to leverage the full potential of AI technologies.

Key Elements for Effective Prompt Engineering

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