GPT Mentions

GPT Mentions: A Comprehensive Overview

OpenAI's introduction of the GPT Mentions feature marks a significant leap in conversational AI, enabling users to integrate multiple GPT models within a single ChatGPT conversation. This groundbreaking feature not only enhances the versatility of ChatGPT but also streamlines workflows, offering a user-friendly interface and practical applications across various scenarios.

What are GPT Mentions?

GPT Mentions is a feature that allows users to seamlessly interact with multiple GPT models by simply typing "@" followed by the model's name in the chatbox. This initiates a dynamic conversation with various AI specialists, each contributing its unique expertise to the dialogue. The feature is designed to enhance the user experience by offering a cohesive platform for engaging with diverse AI capabilities​​.

Key Features and Benefits

  1. Multi-Model Interaction: It enables users to communicate with several specialized GPT models within a single chat interface, eliminating the hassle of switching between chats​​.
  2. Custom Task Automation: Users can automate tasks like saving and summarizing chat entries into Notion, thereby improving task efficiency​​.
  3. Integration with External Applications: The feature supports integration with applications like Zapier, facilitating the creation of custom workflows that connect ChatGPT with other tools​​.
  4. Enhanced Interactivity: Provides a more interactive and user-friendly experience, simulating a team of virtual assistants each skilled in different tasks​​.

Utilizing GPT Mentions

Using GPT Mentions is straightforward. Access is currently available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers, and engaging with it requires initiating a conversation, using the "@" symbol to mention another GPT, and seamlessly switching between models as needed​​.

Practical Applications and Workflow Examples

One practical application of GPT Mentions is for example using a custom GPT doing research. In this case, the custom GPT model is  tailored for specific research tasks, such as gathering and synthesizing information on a particular topic, identifying trends, or analyzing data from various sources.

Here's how the process might work in practice:

  1. Custom GPT for Research: A custom GPT model conducts research on a given topic.
  2. Synthesizing Information: After conducting its research, the custom GPT would synthesize the gathered information into a structured format. This includes summarizing findings, highlighting significant trends, and preparing insights that are directly relevant to the news article's focus. This step ensures that the vast amount of collected data is distilled into actionable insights and relevant information.
  3. Writing the News Article with ChatGPT: With the research completed and synthesized by the custom GPT, ChatGPT then uses this prepared material to write the news article. ChatGPT's strengths in natural language generation and understanding context would allow it to craft an engaging and informative article.
  4. Review and Refinement: Finally, the draft article produced by ChatGPT could be reviewed by human editors. These editors could make adjustments for accuracy, clarity, and coherence, and ensure that the article meets journalistic standards. This step is crucial for adding a human touch to the article, verifying facts, and incorporating any additional insights or recent developments.


GPT Mentions signifies a step towards a more integrated and versatile conversational AI landscape. By allowing custom GPTs to be tagged within prompts, OpenAI opens the door to a diverse range of interactions, extending beyond traditional chat functionalities. This feature, currently in beta for ChatGPT Plus subscribers, promises enhanced utility in daily scenarios, from research and analysis to content creation​​.

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