How much Money does Marketing Automation Save?

“It depends” – that’s probably the answer you’ll hear a lot. However, with our platform, we able to put actual numbers on it. Before we discuss the potential savings, we’ll explain or platform setup briefly. Our qonnect platform provides several packages that customers can buy. One of them, the White-Label App, gives our customers a mobile App with a Web-Cockpit that allows businesses to send (marketing) messages directly to app users using push notifications. This engagement channel is quite powerful and our customers can drive engagement with it.

In order to make this happen, somebody of the business has to login in the cockpit on the backend, write a short text (or copy something from their webpage) and send it to users. This kind of job is often done by students, earning 400€ a month for this kind of activities.

Our qonnect platform is capable of reading RSS feed content and creating messages from the RSS feed. After the message is created, our system automatically schedules and sends the message to users. Furthermore, qonnect lets you define which user segment (driven by interests) should receive what kind of messages.
So, how much do you save? We charge 150€ a month for this service. Therefore, you can save 3000€ a year when you use our service and use this resources for other things to grow your business.

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