Open post

The Shopping Avatar Goes Life

At the EUREKA Innovation Days in Helsinki we took the opportunity to introduce a working prototype of our Shopping Avatar, Mobile Personal Shopping Assistant, respectively, to a broader public. Our prototype shows how we envision the interaction of customers using a Mobile Shopping Assistant and a Micro Popup Store. At its core is the transfer...

Open post

The Shopping Avatar

Broadly defined, an “avatar” is a virtual being that represents a user in a virtual environment. This encompasses not only complex beings created for use in online gaming but any visual representation of a user in an online community [1]. However, avatars are most popular in online gaming, since they represent successful feats of users...

Open post

Smart Environments = Edge Computing + Bots + AI

The concept of smart environments can regarded as byproduct of pervasive computing with a strong focus on the interaction of humans and technology. Generally speaking, a smart environment is a physical world that is richly and invisibly interwoven with sensors, actuators, displays, and computational elements, embedded seamlessly in the everyday objects of our lives, and...

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