Top Frontend Frameworks to Increase the UI Appeal

From Google LLC of the USA to Samsung Group of South Korea and ARM Limited of the United Kingdom, all the Big Giants of different industries across the world stand to be the notable players when it comes to spell-binding the global market with seamless user interface.

Did you know that the global UI services market is estimated to reach the heights of USD $50 billions by the end of 2027, and that too at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 16%? A whooping statistic, right! Well, why not, when organizations of all market scales are relying heavily on web and mobile applications, the enterprises are eventually compelled to deliver intuitive and efficient user interfaces.

Surely the UI appeal has become the top-most priority for every business whether it is a well-established one or a start-up. Even the developers know that they get to hear more on the type of user interface required when there’s any brief on the project - this ultimately speaks of the rising importance of UI nowadays.

Development of the user interface is just as the Ballet dance form wherein the spectators stay enchanted by the utmost elegance and fidelity of the dancer, unaware of the years of practice and pain that was done in the back-end. Yes! Irrespective of the complexity of functions and operations that take place in the background, the UI designers ensure that the end-users only experience the impeccability of the application.

For instance, the companies such as Instagram and Netflix have sewed-up the practice of providing absolute and flawless user interface and user experience regardless of the cramps tolerated behind the veils. Now, what do you think is the stepping-block to build visually appealing applications?

You answered it right! The frontend frameworks. Such frameworks are the vital element in any software development process, but they come in a large variety for you to choose from. And, selecting the ideal one as per your business requirements is like acing the master game.

But, how do you choose the perfect front end framework for your business? To adept it, you must have proper knowledge and understanding of when to use and when to avoid using any particular framework.

Here we present you an ultimate case of the leading frontend frameworks that are have the nod of the business sector as a whole for UI betterment -

1.   React

React is one of the most popular and easy-to-learn frameworks in the market. Originally, it was developed by Facebook for meeting issues regarding code maintainability that popped up because of back-to-back additions of new features in the application.

Presently, React is one of the open-source frontend frameworks that has its USP rooted in providing peerless functionality via the virtual Document Object Model (DOM). So, if you’re looking that your app will face high traffic in the near future and would require a robust platform to deal with it, React may be the perfect framework for you.


  • You can write components without the use of classes
  • Virtual DOM facilitates harmonious app performance
  • You get state-of-the-art React Dev tools
  • Components are Reusable


  • JSX is difficult to comprehend because of its complexities
  • It’s back-breaking to make get it accurately documented
  • Developers can only receive frontend solutions

Use it:

  • Want to create single-page apps? React can help you build effective UI.
  • Use it to get a transactional and live interface in quick time by reusing components.

Avoid it:

  • If you lack practical experience with JavaScript
  • If you are not an experienced developer

2.   Angular:

Search for the best frontend frameworks and how come you miss coming across Angular?? Definitely! Developers find it an ideal and only framework that’s driven by TypeScript.

Developed and launched by Google in 2016, the Angular framework was established with the purpose of filling-in the vent between the traditional concepts and the expanding technology space.

The competitive advantage which Angular brings with itself is the two-way data binding feature that allows live sync of the model with the view. This means that whenever there’s modification in the model, it is automatically and instantly reflected in the view, and vice versa.

So, if your project is all about developing groundbreaking mobile and web apps, you may find Angular to be your best companion. Apart from this, the Angular framework also emperors you to build progressive web apps and multi-page applications.


  • You automatically get eminent features like two-way binding , and hence the amount of code is minimized.
  • It separates the components from dependencies by assigning them outer elements.
  • It has built-in functionality that gives a perfect sync between the model and view.
  • An enlarged community that provides for Angular learning and related support.
  • Dependency injection ensures smooth management.
  • Components are reusable.


  • It may lead to performance issues given the apps’ intricate structure.
  • Angular is difficult to learn, given its complex and dynamic nature.

Use it:

  • Use it if you want to augment the performance of browser-based apps. Angular does it using the two-way data binding.
  • Looking to build enterprise-based apps or dynamic web applications? Go for Angular framework

Avoid it:

  • If your app development project revolves around limited scope.
  • If you don’t have a bigger, advanced, and resourceful team.

3.   jQuery

One of the first to arrive in the domain of frontend frameworks, jQuery is all about fostering simplicity and ease as it diminishes the requirement of writing bulky JavaScript codes.

In spite of being launched in 2006, the USP of jQuery lies in the fact that it hasn’t lost its relevance even a bit and still resonates with the needs of the present day’s tech arena.

You may find an extensive and enriching community of jQuery for numerous tech solutions around the corner. Jquery can be leveraged to operate CSS and DOM for further optimizing the website’s functionality and intuitiveness.

It’s also been engraved in the recent developments that the jQuery framework allows developers to even develop native mobile apps using HTML5-based UI systems–jQuery Mobile.


  • Given the flexibility of DOM, adding/removing the elements is simple.
  • jQuery makes it easy to convey all the HTTPs requests.
  • It enables dynamic and compelling content.


  • The APIs provided in the relevant documents are considered out-dated by the subject experts.
  • As compared to the top frontend frameworks, jQuery showcases slow working capacity.
  • One may find other latest and pioneering alternatives in the place of jQuery.

Use it:

  • If you want to keep your code to the point as well as simple as possible.
  • If you are aiming to build and develop desktop-based javascript apps.
  • If you’re looking for managing events and performing animations.

Avoid it:

  • When you want to build and develop a large-scale app as jQuery would load it with additional javascript code, thereby making it heavy.
  • When you are looking for an option that serves you with components reusability and minimal coding.

4. Svelte:

One of the newly-fangled frontend frameworks, Svelte has brought a cutting-edge into the arena by arranging the work in a compile step as opposed to registering them in the browser as other frameworks do. Svelte is capable of writing the code thereby upgrading the DOM so as to sync it with the state of the app.


  • It is highly scalable, lightweight, easy to use, and utilizes the current javascript libraries.
  • It offers better reactivity in comparison to other frontend frameworks.
  • It is the most latest and advanced framework available in the market.
  • It showcases ultra-high speed than any other framework.


  • As it is the newest in the domain, it has a tiny community as opposed to other frameworks.
  • It faces lack of support, tools and resources.
  • It is still unpopular amongst the tech community.

Use it:

  • If you’re working on a small app project with a team of limited members.
  • If your project is a simpler and easy to develop one.

Avoid it:

  • If you can’t spare a good amount of time to research and discover solutions to the bugs and glitches arriving as a result of using Svelte.
  • If you’re dealing with high-end, big, and complex projects.

5. Backbone.js

This is one of the simple-to-comprehend frameworks in the market that facilitates single-page app development. Driven by the MVC architecture, it allows for seamless execution of component logic.

It is capable of running engines such as underscore.js, apart from being able to coherently and simultaneously work with tools like that of Thorax, Marionette, and Chaplin.


  • It is one of the quickest and javascript frontend frameworks in the market.
  • It is simple to learn and easy to comprehend by development professionals.
  • It is also one of the best lightweight frameworks.


  • You may not get a pre-built or ready-made structure with the backbone.js.
  • To communicate view to model and vice versa, you may have to write down the boilerplate code.

Use it:

  • When you want to build dynamic and intuitive apps such as Trello.
  • If you want to reuse the code, need rapid updates, and require client-side model development.
  • When you want to have a constant sync with the server, maintain the client, as well as effectively manage the updates.

Avoid it:

  • If you are focusing on adopting a wholesome solution in a single framework.

The Ultimate Verdict:

There are many frontend frameworks available in the market that promise to enhance the UI appeal. But, it is obvious for anyone in the industry whether a fresher or an experienced person to get baffled at first when sitting for deciding the best one for their project.

With this blog, you may have surely got a gist of the top frontend frameworks in the market and which one is best for which kind of project. The framework you select to bring on the best Ui for your project is surely you take - you simply need to keep in mind their very features, challenges, use scenarios, and avoid events.

The cherry on the cake when it comes to these UI optimizing frameworks is that all these and also other frameworks not mentioned herein can be learned with minimal effort, practiced and then rightly selected.

It is a must to choose the ideal frontend framework to deliver the finest UI experience to the end-users, and for that you must evenly provide weightage to all the major components of a framework such as its advantages, disadvantages, and best use-cases.

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