Open post Paradox

The Paradox of Cloud Computing

The cloud is without doubt one of the most important platform shifts in computing history. Cloud has already had an impact on billions in IT spending. This is due to a powerful value proposition: infrastructure that can be used immediately at the right scale for the business, thereby reducing costs and improving efficiency in both...

Open post whatsapp newsletter

Are WhatsApp Newsletter back? Spoiler: Not really. But there’s an alternative.

Staying in permanent contact with your own customers – the dream of every company. Until 2019, many companies had therefore sent newsletters directly to their customers’ smartphones via WhatsApp. After banning WhatsApp usage for commercial purposes, WhatsAPp is now promoting its latest business message format. So is the WhatsApp newsletter back? What can the new...

Open post Citizen

What are Citizen Developers?

Citizen development encourages employees who are not IT-trained to become software developers. They use NoCode/LowCode (LCNC) platforms that allow them to create business applications. This method of software development allows employees to become citizen developers, despite not having a formal education. They modify existing software programs to meet the needs of a specific user and...

Open post

What is Edge Computing exactly?

Edge computing refers to a distributed IT architecture that processes client data at the edge of the network as close as possible to the source. Data is vital to modern businesses. It provides valuable business insights and supports real-time control of critical business processes. Huge amounts of data can be collected routinely from distributed sensors...

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